Friday, September 12, 2008

We are doing ok...

I am guessing by now everyone has heard about our little baby. I thought I was 8 weeks. The doctors took a look and said 6 weeks. A week later I have a misscarriage. The baby was 9-10 weeks old with a heart beat. But it was less than half the size it should have been. It is for the best, we are sure. We love you all and we are doing better everyday.


Candice said...

Oh my heart...I am so sorry. I always hear that, "it happens", but it still hurts and it is still a great loss.

I love you guys.

I am still trying to run. I think of you every time I do.

Straight to Your Hart said...

I'm so sorry you two. Just keep working on being the sweet, tender, and fun loving couple you are for that equates to your parenting as well..after 4 tries, Kelcie came along, and we are so blessed to have her..hind site, it was a good thing, for Curt and worked like you guys are doing now. We still are and that's the beauty of a marriage. I know you are being each others biggest support, just know that if you would like to talk...Love you!!