Thursday, July 14, 2011

Aviel and the Bagleys

Gran and Papa came to visit for a baptism and a baby blessing. Aviel was a little tired, but very entertained by both of them. She even snuggled into Papa, which is something she only does with Shawn and I. Pretty cute. Gran came home from shopping and spoiled her with even more attention. Aviel is so lucky to have cool grandparents who take care of her and play with her. We went to a friends little girls BBQ last weekend. Aviel felt like a pro racer in the sporty little car. She was pretty tired, again. We had just climbed the 'R' mountain about an hour before, but she was a great sport and loved the watermelon.
Baby update! Liam is now bigger than Aviel was when she was born. He feels a lot stronger and I am a lot more sore and tired than I was with her. I hope to carry him full term and have a big healthy boy. I just can't imagine getting much fatter than I am now!

1 comment:

Jon + Kat said...

I want to see you fat! I can't imagine it! You really do need to post belly shots for my benefit!