Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Here is little Aviel at about 3.25 lbs. She is adjusting to life without beeping and other babies crying very well. We checked out of the hospital, moved out of Scott's and Rakell's, and came home. Shawn got her out of her car seat and introduced her to the house. Avi approved. She stared at everything for about two hours.
Shawn and I are so grateful for all the blessings we have, especially our little miracle of a daughter, who is grunting in her sleep. I better go check on her again.


Candice said...

She is still so wrinkly:)! Does this mean that she is 5 pounds? She is gorgeous.

How is the home transition? I would love to hear some stories.

Andrew said...

I am so darned excited for you guys!!! Congratulations on the new move in!


Jon + Kat said...

Yeah! That was so much quicker than I would have ever dreamed! I'm so excited to meet her and I have little clothes to mail to you!